Thursday, March 23, 2006

Something happened last night

The dogs barked ferociously. Awaken from my slumber, I covered my head with my pillow & wished for them to stop. Some stupid cat or mutt must've trespassed the area again. They didn't stop. Normally, my dad would be up in a jiff & he'd shut them up. No sounds of a room door opening. The dogs started to growl. I jumped out of bed. It's definitely not a cat or mutt.

As I switched on my room light, I stepped into a puddle. Drats. It was raining heavily & the roof must be leaking again. I was about to headstraight towards the commotion when I stopped. A thousand & one thingsflashed through my mind. What if it's a robber? What if it's another one ofthose snakes? I looked up at the clock on the wall & realises that it's 1am. A couple of hours ago, my family & I was watching a great match ofhockey at the Commonwealth games followed by American Idol followed by... a true story of a haunted premise on Discovery. I chickened out.

My folks were still asleep till I opened their room door. They sat up &quickly got out of bed. My mom instructed me to switch on all the lights.When we reached the kitchen, I looked out the door & noticed that the dogs were barking in one direction. From my angle, I could only see its scaly2.5 feet tail lashing about, similar to a scene from Aliens. Yup, it's one of those indian delicacies you skinned & cooked for your pals, except bigger.

The monitor lizard ran blindly into one of the dog cages & was clinging onto the side while trying to whip the dogs - a heck of an acrobatic stunt.We opened the kitchen door. It dashed out of the cage & into the dark.This morning, I found all 3 dogs huddled up in one cage.

p/s: Hope you were entertained. If you weren't, too bad. These are probablythe only kind of "entertainment" you'd find in a place like Melaka.


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